ajyal High School

Bienvenue !

Au Ajyal High School, nous nous engageons à former les leaders de demain. Notre dévouement à l’excellence académique, au développement du caractère et à une communauté dynamique nous distingue en tant qu’établissement d’enseignement de premier plan. Nous sommes convaincus qu’une base académique solide est la pierre angulaire d’un avenir réussi. Notre programme rigoureux est conçu pour stimuler et inspirer les élèves afin qu’ils atteignent leur plein potentiel.
ajyal High School

Nos valeurs et fondamentaux



Notre engagement inébranlable en faveur de l’excellence académique, grâce à un enseignement dévoué, à des programmes novateurs et à une recherche incessante de la réussite des étudiants.


Le pilier de notre philosophie éducative, nous transmettons à nos élèves un sens profond de l’honnêteté, de l’éthique et de la moralité, les préparant ainsi à prendre des décisions éthiques dans leur vie.


Célébrer les origines et les perspectives uniques, favoriser l’inclusion et promouvoir la sensibilisation culturelle au sein de notre communauté.
ajyal High School

À propos

Ajyal High School est un pilier de l’excellence éducative. Notre mission est de donner aux élèves les connaissances, les compétences et les valeurs nécessaires pour réussir dans un monde dynamique. Nous croyons en la création d’une communauté de soutien où chaque élève peut s’épanouir.
Langues enseignées
0 +
ajyal High School

Programmes d'études

Academic programs

Private Academic Support

We’re dedicated to providing personalized assistance to help students reach their full potential. We understand that every student has unique learning needs, and that’s why we offer tailored support to address those needs. Explore how our private academic support services can complement your child’s educational journey.

Academic programs

Educational Approach

We believe in fostering a holistic learning environment that empowers students to excel academically, grow personally, and prepare for the challenges of the modern world. Discover how our unique approach to education sets the stage for lifelong success.

Academic programs

Academic Goals

Our commitment to education goes beyond classroom lessons; it encompasses a holistic approach that aims to cultivate well-rounded, intellectually curious individuals. Explore how our academic goals shape our curriculum, teaching methods, and the future of our students.
ajyal High School

Événements et actualités

15 September 2023

First day of school!

The start of a new school year is always an exciting time at Ajyal High School. The hallways are buzzing with energy, and the classrooms are filled with the promise of new experiences.

27 September 2023

Enhancing Our School Facilities for a Brighter Future

Our classrooms are at the heart of the learning experience, and we’ve spared no effort in making them as innovative and comfortable as possible.

25 September 2023

Celebrating Excellence: Teacher Appreciation

At Ajyal High School, we believe that teachers are the heart and soul of education. They inspire, guide, and empower students, helping them grow into confident and capable individuals.

15 September 2023

First day of school!

The start of a new school year is always an exciting time at Ajyal High School. The hallways are buzzing with energy, and the classrooms are filled with the promise of new experiences.

27 September 2023

Enhancing Our School Facilities for a Brighter Future

Our classrooms are at the heart of the learning experience, and we’ve spared no effort in making them as innovative and comfortable as possible.

25 September 2023

Celebrating Excellence: Teacher Appreciation

At Ajyal High School, we believe that teachers are the heart and soul of education. They inspire, guide, and empower students, helping them grow into confident and capable individuals.

Pour plus d'informations, n'hésitez pas à nous contacter !
