ajyal High School

Our Facility

Welcome to our unique school in the heart of Laboueh! At our school, kids get to do more than just learn; they discover how to think, adapt, and shine in today’s world, all while getting ready to be the leaders of tomorrow.


ajyal High School

Your child is a hero !

We’re not your typical school – we’re all about creating an exciting environment where students can genuinely unlock their potential while enjoying the learning journey.

Modern Equipments

Experience modern learning with cutting-edge equipment. Our classrooms feature up-to-date video projectors, comfy chairs, and spacious desks, along with the latest learning materials for an engaging education.

Technological Learning

Experience the power of technological learning at our school. In our dedicated computer room, students embark on a journey to master vital skills for the digital age. They learn not just to use technology but to thrive in an ever-evolving world. Our approach fosters creativity, problem-solving, and adaptability, ensuring that children are well-prepared for the challenges and opportunities of our era.

Recreational Playground

Experience the joy of outdoor play and physical activity on our expansive recreational playground. Designed for fun and relaxation, this outdoor space provides students with opportunities to exercise, take breaks, and engage in games. Our commitment to a healthy balance between learning and play ensures a well-rounded educational experience.